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Temporary Exhibitions


Jul.17,2010(Sat) - Aug.29,2010(Sun) 


This is an exhibition of Kuroda Seiki (1866-1924), one of the most influential painters in the modern Japanese art world, who brought in a new painting style of bright color tone, so called plein-airism, to Japan. Kuroda, born in Kagoshima prefecture, traveled to France in 1884 and studied under Raphael Collin, a French plein-airism painter. After returning home in 1896 he formed an art society Hakubakai and was invited to be a director of the Western Painting Department which was newly established at the Tokyo Art School. Those made him a great source of the mainstream which dominated the Japanese art world from Meiji to Showa period. Yorozu Tetsugoro, a main pillar of the Museum's collection, was one of the pupils of Kuroda.
The exhibition introduces approximately 150 works from the Kuroda collection of Tokyo National Museum along with two masterpieces of national important cultural properties including his most representative painting Lakeside. It will be an excellent opportunity to trace the entire work of Kuroda, the master of the modern Japanese paintings.

Lecture by Yamanashi Emiko
Aug.1, 2010 14:00-15:30
at the Hall
Workshop - Figure Drawing
Jul.31 / capturing and drawing human body movement / given by Arakawa Naomi
Aug.7-Aug.8 / appreciation of nude drawings with experiential activity / given by Chiba Tsutomu
Aug.21 / appreciation of figure drawings with experiential activity / given by Chiba Tsutomu
*Reservation required
at the Stadio

Special Gallery Talk for Children
Aug.13, 2010 14:00-
at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery

Gallery Talks
Jul.23, Aug.6, Aug.20, Aug.29, 2010 14:00-
at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery
Admission ( ) shows the rate for groups of 20 people or more
Adults 1,000(800)yen
Students of Senior High School and University 600(500)yen
Students of Elementary School and Junior High School 400(300)yen
*Temporary exhibition tickets cover the admission of the museum collection exhibition.
*Advance tickets (same price as the group tickets) available at the museum until the day before the opening.



12-3, Matsuhaba, Motomiya, Morioka, Iwate 020-0866 Japan

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