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Temporary Exhibitions

Serenissima - The Light of Venice

Nov.15,2003(Sat) - Jan.12,2004(Mon) 


By the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw we present the art of Venetian painting school and its environ, with the pieces executed between the 16th and the 18th century, the high point of Venice's culture. We don't only provide an occasion to enjoy the distinct beauty of Venetian paintings, but also introduce state-of-the-art methods for the study and conservation of paintings.

Lecture by Tsunoi Tenco
Jan.10,2004 14:00-/at the Hall

Director's Lecture
Dec.7,2003 14:00-/at the Hall

Director's Gallery Talk
Nov.23,2003 14:00-/at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery

Curator's Gallery Talk
Nov.21, Dec.5, Dec.19,2003 14:00-/at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery

Director's Gallery Talk
Nov.23,2003 14:00-/at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery

Film Screening "Death in Venice" (directed by Luchino Visconti)
Dec.21,2003 14:00-/at the Hall

Library Program - Books on christian art
Nov.15-Dec.28,2003/at the Reference
  Admission ( ) shows the rate for groups of 20 people or more
Adults 800 (650)yen
Students of Senior High School and University 500 (400)yen
Students of Elementary School and Junior High School 300 (250)yen
*Temporary exhibition tickets cover the admission of the museum collection exhibition.



12-3, Matsuhaba, Motomiya, Morioka, Iwate 020-0866 Japan

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